
The Royal You: Happy Pt. 2

I have been following my heart towards joy and love, especially this past year. That means a lot of things for me but part of it is picking up things that I lost touch with (piano, writing, etc.) as well as finding my spirituality again because it makes me HAPPY. A long time ago I used to watch Charmed. It pulled at me. Magic, spells, sisterhood, community. At one time I talked my parents into buying me the “Book of Shadows” Spell book from Barnes and Noble. I made them believe it was just a book! I also ordered Tarot cards from the School Scholastic Magazines, but with our Christian background, I ended up throwing them away because I thought I was going to go to hell for using the cards. But In my recent journey, I rekindled a friendship with an amazing inspiring woman by the name of Jennifer Lamers-Sommer who I had been friends with for quite a few years. Without meaning to, she gave me the permission to follow my intuition to beliefs, practices, and community that lit my heart on fire. I finally went out and bought myself my very first oracle deck of cards (it’s like Tarot cards but different) and I decided to start tapping in to my intuition and my coaching skills to do readings for myself and for others. So for today’s blog, I decided I would pull a card and write about it as there is a message that someone needs to hear. That someone may even be me! We’ll see while I’m writing! haha. If the message below does not resonate with you, please do not feel obligated to accept it as your own.

This card holds a message that comes from within the Solar Plexus Energy (or Chakra for those of you that know what those are!) The energy that is stored in this location represents personal power and relates to self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation.

It’s time to stop being influenced by outside sources that are not aligned with your true authentic self.

I want you to be honest with yourself for just a minute (just a little minute) and think about this question that I’m going to ask you). Have your feelings, beliefs, actions, and your LIFE ever been influenced by outsides sources?

I don’t think a single person can confidently say “I’ve made conscious deliberate decisions throughout my entire life based on my own intuition to create the life I live today.”

But to be honest I think it’s impossible not to be impressionable at some point or another.

You can be influenced by parents, spouses, bosses, people on the internet. Everywhere you look there is a different opinion. But are you following those opinions because you feel they are your truth or are you doing it out of fear of not being loved and accepted?

You can absolutely listen and take in information, biases, opinions, and facts from other sources, especially from those that you care about. But you need to TRUST in YOURSELF to only accept the beliefs that feel good to YOU. The more you can do this, the more you’re going to feel good in your own skin. The more confidence you will have in yourself.

This is a reminder to you, that at the end of the day YOU decide what to believe in. You are the Queen/King of your own mind. It’s time to adjust your crown and take responsibility for it.

Live from the heart, ❤Jen


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